They say i love u
but, they are not your boyfriend or girlfriend,
they care for you
but, they are not from your family,
they are ready to share your pain but, they are not in your blood relation,
they are..

True friend
scolds like a Dad..
Cares like a Mom..
Teases like a Sister..
Irritates like a Brother..

And finally loves you
more than your boyfriend or girlfriend..
Message to special friends who mean a lot to you.

A friendship,
more old more strong
more care more respect
less words more understanding
less meetings more feelings.

We  met, it was luck,
We talked, it was chance
We became friends, it was destiny
We are still friends, its faith
We will always be friends, its a promise.

Dedicated to all of my very special friends..!!
Thanks for being in my life and making me who i am today 🙂


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