mahatma gandhi

Personality myths in management


Introverts and Extroverts

We are always told that:

To be happy is to be sociable
To be great is to be bold
If you are sitting alone in a social gathering, it means you are sad
If you are a part of group, means you are smart, happy and fun loving
If you are quiet, it means you are shy and not bold
If you are loud and speak a lot, mingle a lot, you are a leader

Talkative people are rated as smarter, better looking as more interesting and more desirable as friends. Velocity of speech also counts as well as volume. We rank fast talkers as more competent and likable than slow ones. Voluble are considered as smarter than reticent

We see ourselves as the nation of extroverts. If you are not an introvert, you are surely managing, raising, married to or coupled with one.

There are also a set of people who pretend to be extroverts. Extroverts with their loud voice, constant communication and interaction with people, leave an impression that they are smart and intelligent. Which may be true or may not be true.

We have been born and brought up in an environment or a value system called “Extrovert Ideal” – an ideal self is gregarious and comfortable being in spot light.

Parents feel they are not providing something when they see their child sitting with books and spending time alone instead of playing or interacting in a group or staying alone for most of the times. At times they may even be resentful when they see other kids.

Even in schools, desks are arranged in such a way that group learning can take place, there are various programs, events, functions, competitions in schools and colleges to foster group work. And the one who cant fit themselves in the group, start feeling inferior and go into a shell or thinking that there is something wrong with them.

Do you know, without introverts, world would have been devoid of theory of relativity, theory of gravity, the GOOGLE, satyagraha revolution, Harry potter, Charlie Brown, W.B Yeat’s the second coming, Proust’s in search of lost time, Orwell’ s 1984 and animal farm, the cat in the hat,etc.

We would have been devoid of geniuses like Einstein, Gandhi, Newton, Roosevelt, Abraham lincoln, speakers like robin sharma, etc.

Apple computers are a brain child of an introvert!

Worlds greatest ideas, art and inventions – from theory of evolution to Van Gogh’ sunflowers to the personal computers, came from quiet and cerebral people who knew how to tune into their inner worlds and treasures to be found there.

Introversion – along with its cousins sensitivity, seriousness and shyness – is now a second class personality trait, somewhere between disappointment and a pathology. Not all introverts are shy. Do not mix up both. Shyness is fear of social gatherings and public speaking and fear or acceptance. Even extroverts can be shy.

Extroverts is an enormously appealing personality style, but we have turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us conform. Let their voice not over shadow the voice of introverts. Listen to them and you will be surprised to hear some treasures, something innovative that you would have ever come across.

If you are an introvert, reading this article, be proud to be so and know that you are equally powerful and equally important. Know that most of the world leaders are a part of you.

If you are an extrovert, know that you are missing on something from the geniuses around you. World needs you and introverts also.

Of course extroverts are also genius. Infact, Its not the extrovert or introvert that tells us who is genius, its the intellect. All we need is not judge genius in the scale of loudness, volume, social gatherings, clothings, talkativeness, loud body language, number of people surrounded by. All these factors do not co-relate in terms of being genius.

A Man Of Understanding

The man of understanding knows what it is to agree, despite differences. Even when he does not agree, he respects the other person. He never indulges in backbiting. He does not compare himself or his partner with others. He forgets his ego. He practices what he preaches.

There is a touching incident in the life of Mahatma Gandhi. One day, a mother came to him, saying – “My child suffers from a kidney disease. The doctors have asked him to refrain from eating salt, but he does not listen. He is devoted to you and will gladly do your bidding.”

Mahatma Gandhi said to her- “Bring your son to me after a week!”

After seven days, the mother and son met Mahatma Gandhi, who requested the little boy not to take salt. The boy immediately agreed.

The mother was puzzled. She asked the Mahatma, why he did not give the advice a week earlier Mahatmaji said to her- “When you came to me last week, I used to take salt with my food. I said to myself that before I could advise another to refrain from eating salt, I must do it myself. This whole week I have refrained from eating salt and so feel qualified to give the advice.”

It is very easy to give advice to others. It is very easy to tell your partner to do this or that. But if you do not practice what you preach, no one will pay attention.

Two sides of the same coin

For example: We read newspaper or when we watch a news channel.

Our opinions are formed on the basis of what journalist has shown, but thats only the one side. We are yet to see the other side.

This happens to each and every story and incident of our life.


We all know Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler. Two completely different personalities. But they had one thing in common ——- LOVE FOR THIER COUNTRY.

Mahatma Gandhi believed in non-violence and Adolf Hitler was totally opposite. In the process of achieving freedom for their respective countries many people were killed.

Though Gandhi believed non-violence, there was violence while the freedom struggle was going on in India and many people were killed…. though indirectly.

In Hitler’s case, we can say that the same thing was done directly. There was a world war and people were killed….

Today, when people think of Hitler, they get angry or find him a negative character. But, i think the feelings of Hitler and Gandhi were same!!

This is just one example.. Each and every story has 2 sides and most of the times we fail to see the other side. We need to turn the coin or move towards the other side of the coin to see it.

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