adolf hitler

Mass murderers in History

The 20th century witnessed death and slaughter on an unprecedented scale. It was the century of the Holocaust and two World Wars; of communist, Nazi, fascist and military dictators who between them killed more than 100 million people.

The casualties of conflicts involving the U.S., the UK and France in Korea, Algeria, Vietnam, the Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq are excluded on the grounds that, though many would view these as unjust colonial wars by ‘imperialist’ powers, they weren’t fought by dictators.
Indeed, when the wars proved unpopular or unwinnable, they were brought to an end by the pressure of public opinion.

Most popular name in the list mass murderer is Adolf Hitler. But, you will be shocked to know that his name in the world’s mass murderer comes third on the list. Who are the first two people then?


China (1949-76) Regime Communist Victims 60 million
China’s so-called ‘Great Helmsman’ was, in fact, the greatest mass murderer in history. Most of his victims were his fellow Chinese, murdered as ‘landlords’ after the communist takeover, starved in his misnamed ‘Great Leap Forward’ of 1958-61, or killed and tortured in labour camps in the Cultural Revolution of the Sixties. Mao’s rule, with its economic mismanagement and continual political upheavals, also spelled poverty for most of China’s untold millions. The country embraced capitalism long after his death.


Soviet Union (1929-53) Regime Communist Victims 40 million
Lenin’s paranoid successor was the runner-up to Mao in the mass-murder stakes. Stalin imposed a deliberate famine on Ukraine, killed millions of the wealthier peasants – or ‘kulaks’ – as he forced them off their land, and purged his own party, shooting thousands and sending millions more to work as slaves and perish in the Gulag.


Germany (1933-45) Regime Nazi dictatorship Victims 30 million
The horror of Adolf Hitler’s dictatorship lies in the uniqueness of his most notorious crime, the Holocaust, which stands alone in the annals of inhuman cruelty. It was carried out under the cover of World War II, a conflict Hitler pursued with the goal of obtaining ‘Lebensraum’. The war ended up costing millions of lives, leaving Europe devastated and his Third Reich in ruins.

Two sides of the same coin

For example: We read newspaper or when we watch a news channel.

Our opinions are formed on the basis of what journalist has shown, but thats only the one side. We are yet to see the other side.

This happens to each and every story and incident of our life.


We all know Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler. Two completely different personalities. But they had one thing in common ——- LOVE FOR THIER COUNTRY.

Mahatma Gandhi believed in non-violence and Adolf Hitler was totally opposite. In the process of achieving freedom for their respective countries many people were killed.

Though Gandhi believed non-violence, there was violence while the freedom struggle was going on in India and many people were killed…. though indirectly.

In Hitler’s case, we can say that the same thing was done directly. There was a world war and people were killed….

Today, when people think of Hitler, they get angry or find him a negative character. But, i think the feelings of Hitler and Gandhi were same!!

This is just one example.. Each and every story has 2 sides and most of the times we fail to see the other side. We need to turn the coin or move towards the other side of the coin to see it.

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