india elections results

We – the People, Transforming INDIA

With the election results today, we have created history!! Ours is a generation who is a part of this historic moment. It is “WE – THE PEOPLE” who have created this moment. I have seen newschannels comparing this election with the 1984 one. We are the generation that have learned about the past PMs and elections thru books, word of mouth, articles, etc. We have never tasted it LIVE! We only tasted Corruption, indifference and a selfish government. We may not even know how it is to breathe and live in a good governance – A government that is for the people.

We have won the first step! Elections were just first step. Real game begins now. This time we have selected the government on the basis of one single personality. BJP on its own in last 30 years have never been as powerful as with its new PM face Narendra Modi. Namo is the man of real power. He has that ability and aura to attract people thru his work. I believe, he may not have spoken much as much as his career as CM in the state of Gujarat has. Every questions about his actions and ability were answered with his track record of Gujarat keeping Supreme court’s defintions and judgement in the conversation. A man who openly speaks about having power and courage to punish the guilty. A man who has Vision for India – just besides governing in the current scenario. We always wanted growth, progress, security, bright future for the country, for ourselves. As individual we concentrate on our lives, and thats why we have hired politicians to run and govern our country. We give them Power to be safeguard ourselves and our country. Not for arrogance. We give them RESPONSIBILITIES AND TRUST.

Today, we have given the TRUST AND RESPONSIBILITIES to NAMO. We have selected him because of his actions, results and his performance. We see a man of transformation in him. This is the great victory for us.

For Aam AADMI Party, Arvind Kejriwal may not have resigned looking at the problems in Delhi. He may not have received support for his amendments too. All that led to the fall of AAP was its inability to have courage and aptitude to deal with the barriers inspite of having power. If CM goes on Dharna, is that a solution to any problem. Though his intentions and vision were good at the initial stage, AAP too would have been disastrous. As it did not had the numbers to win and would have taken the support of Congress or UPA. Nor did it had the aptitude to deal with the current problems of India.

Looking at a current scenario in India, it needs a leader like Namo, who is audacious, courageous, frank and knows how to deal with barriers and the corrupt polticians. He has demonstrated himself as no non-sense person in the entire election promotions, rallies and interviews! We need someone like him today.

Today, its first time in the history of India that BJP has won more than 273 seats as an individual party. No alliance needed to form a govt. As an NDA, it has won more than 325 seats. and another history is “Not a single party has got more than 60 seats on its own”. India wants PROGRESS!!! First time in India there will be a stable government as BJP has won more than enough seats to form its own govt. Namo has won on the basis of his ability to fix the economy, infrastructure,  combating corruption, technology, and he understands what the current generation wants. I remember a phase where govt of india mentioned about facebook, twitter and other social networking sites to ruin the situations, but they failed to notice and understand the power of social media. They were scared of its powers looking at middle east revolution of 2011.Namo has shown a great acceptance and power of social media. He has his blog, his own website, i just followed him on twitter and his shares on twitter!! India is changing!

Besides above factors, India even needs audacious and courageous man like him to deal with our defences. In last 10 years, indian defence system and infrastructure has really gone down. On the contrary China is more superior when it comes to defence – its has really spent a lot on its defences. We need to have a strong defence system and strong push towards closing 26/11 case and other such pending terrorism cases. We need a strong international policy against Pakistan and China. We lost 10 years. Now we cannot.

The real game begins NOW!!!

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