The 90s was an era of M's - Mandir, Masjid, Mandal, Market, Murders, and Music. While there are many authors who have explored the other M's, Author Rimple has explored the Music part of the 90s - writing INDIA's First ever MUSICAL NOVEL.
It not just speaks about the emerging POP-music culture of the 90s but also how music affects our brain. Taking 90s pop music as the base to connect readers to NEUROSCIENCE BEHIND MUSIC. We all listen to music, but we have under-estimated the power of music. The author brings out LISTENING TO MUSIC as an art.
While there are books that deal with the darkness of the 90s, the author of this book deals with the innocence of 90s. When the basis of the book is musical, one definitely cannot think of darkness. Hence the story deals with beauty and simplicity of life - just like music that is soulful and beautiful. More than that you will never listen to music just as a time pass or background activity. The book shall clear a lot of misconceptions about music and provide a new way of brain spa to people.
With Rajvir and the letter-writer author takes up music while with Rajvir and Taashvi, author takes up a social cause and never-die spirit of Mumbai which are real. Book is a combination of fiction and non-fiction, presented in an experimentative manner. It highlights the daily routine of every individual, unlike other books. On a daily basis a normal human day will include office work, some gossip, sometimes he will read an article, sometimes chat, sometimes read, sometimes we talk about old times - memories, then we talk about work, then something else, whatever comes in naturally based on mood, atmosphere, person we are talking to etc., we never plan what we talk. Sometimes listen to music, travelling to and fro between home and office, etc. And the conversations take place in the routine life.