Spread Awareness….. the chewing gums that you throw on roads are eaten by birds as a piece of bread. Unable to eat and drink, they die slowly.

Spread Awareness….. the chewing gums that you throw on roads are eaten by birds as a piece of bread. Unable to eat and drink, they die slowly.
Strangely, yesterday i changed my BBM DP to peacock to all of sudden… i just felt like keeping a peacock. After few minutes, again i changed it to some other image…
In the morning i wake-up, i just recollected my dream that i saw in the night. And dreamed of so many peacocks. My whole house is decorated with the miniatures of peacocks and of various sizes……
I have the habit of analyzing my dreams. I immediately noted everything whatever i could recollect from my dream. And finally analyzed it……. and got some clue, on what its trying to convey 🙂
It’s a great omen to have it and great to see lots of peacocks in my dreams. I guess changing DP to peacock was more from my intuition.