Found something interesting to share on my blog exclusively! Worth trying this…



Hey guys! 

We are bringing back the old fashioned paper and pen way to send love across. So if you feel like you need some handwritten love or whether someone in your life needs it, shoot us a request at
You can add a brief description about who and why you want the letter. Here is an example of the brief description:

“Meg is an incredible person, so beautiful from the inside out.” says a good friend.

“Recently she found out she’s pregnant, which she was not expecting. The father of the baby is in the Marines will leave on deployment soon and sadly will most likely miss the birth and first few months of their child’s life. Meg has had a difficult past and letters of reassurance that she will be the most amazing mom could really boost her spirits. Just hearing that she is not alone and how loved and incredible she truly is, it could really make a difference in her life.” Join us in sending letters of light + love to this awesome mom to be!

OR you can just ask for a letter for yourself, sometimes you just deserve one. The descriptions can be as short as “Please send me an inspiring love letter”
With this we hope to spread love and just shower you with every ounce of love we have in us. 
Thank you,
Love In Letters
Inspired by more love letters
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More Love Letters is an initiave by Hannah Brencher.
Hannah Brencher’s mother always wrote her letters. So when she felt herself bottom into depression after college, she did what felt natural — she wrote love letters and left them for strangers to find. The act has become a global initiative, The World Needs More Love Letters, which rushes handwritten letters to those in need of a boost.
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